Julian Michel (UCLA), Michael K. Miller (GWU), Margaret E. Peters (UCLA), “Get Out: How Autocratic Regimes Select Who Emigrates”

Abstract: Most autocracies restrict emigration, yet still allow some citizens to voluntarily exit. How do these regimes decide who can leave? We argue that many autocracies strategically target anti-regime actors for emigration, thereby crafting a more loyal population without the drawbacks of persistent cooptation or repression. However, this generates problematic incentives for citizens to join […]

David Gill (Nottingham), “The Default Taboo: Repayment Norms during the Great Depression”

Abstract: France and Britain were responsible for the two largest sovereign defaults in modern history when they unilaterally suspended war debt repayments to the United States during the Great Depression. Despite facing similar economic challenges, Paris defaulted in 1932 whereas London continued payment until 1934. Conventional explanations for why states default or repay their debts— […]